Handmade Electronic Music

Circuit Bending

The chapters in this section introduce the reader to the essentials of Circuit Bending. I dropped them from the current edition of the printed book to make room for new material. By 2020 there's a lot of information on this subject available elsewhere, online and in print. But these essays still might have value to those starting on the bending road, and so for this temporary website I've uploaded pdf scans of the relevant chapters from the previous edition; the official Routledge site, when finished, will include updated, nicely formatted versions of these texts.

Tickle the Clock: Finding the Clock Circuit in Toys

Hack the Clock: Changing the Clock Speed for Cool New Noises

Beyond the Pot: Photoresistors, Pressure Pads and Other Ways to Play Your Toy

Video Music/Music Video: Translating Video Signals into Sound, Hacking Cameras, and Extracting Sounds from Remote Controls

LCD Art: Making Animated Modern Daguerreotypes and Alternate Video Projectors